May 23Liked by Helen Rose

I love that you mention touch & the act of holding a part of the woods with you as you walk/wander/wonder. When I was out walking in the woods this week, despite taking in the green and the scent and the song, I was still super in my head - it was only when I picked up a leaf and ‘twirled’ it with my fingers as I walked that I felt truly ‘held’ & like I could land. Like the trees were genuinely saying come on now we got you bab, let go. It also makes me think of their ‘detachable’ power - holding their seed, or fallen bark, or leaf, means you can walk as far away from that tree as possible, but a part of it will still be with you (as long as you ask it if it’s ok to take this piece along), making me think further of the root system and mycelium underfoot. Like hands that can reach out and into yours even if the mother tree is miles away. I’m realising more and more that being present, for me, needs to be much more focused on touch & what my skin can feel & hold - think more root chakra than crown, which is always overflowing and spilling out. Would be interesting to see if this changes depending on which nature environment one is in. Thanks for sharing with us tree lady 🌳🍃💚

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I love you did some leaf twirling and that helped you connect - I find it so hard to walk without something in my hand now, it’s almost automatic to me to find something to hold as I walk. I love that deeper connection I feel by bringing into my self. And I love that ‘detachable power’ image too, thank you sweet one. It’s why I have a house full of acorns and pine cones and leaves and stones 🙈😅 always connecting me to places I’ve been xx

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Oh I love how you’ve so beautifully expressed the connection you grow through sensation towards steadiness Helen. Thank you… and I love that you also go on course and then still don’t feel ready to share 🫣😂 I’m with you on the solitary aspect of the practice though… and for some reason heard your voice when reading this. I wonder if sharing audio tours of forest bathing might ever become a ‘thing’!? 🤔😂❤️🙏✨

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I actually wonder if I could manage an audio tour better than in person - I feel I would be too self conscious and second guessing myself all the time when leading people through the woods - “are they bored, am I making sense, do they think this is a waste of time” - all those lovely thoughts my brain sends me 🙄🙈

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Oh the joy of these brains and their never ending signals hey! ;) Well I for one would happily invisibly hold your hand and listen to a 10 / 15 minute recording of yours whilst alone in my woods… as a tiny experiment… and let you know what grows. If you’d like to play in that way? Consider it an open invitation, with absolutely zero pressure or expectation :)

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When I was very 'ill' last year (read on the sofa not able to walk or step outside) I dreamed of J (husband who happens to be software developer) creating me a VR game - or simply game, of a forest bathing experience. So that those of us who couldn't access the power of the woods, could still tap into the sounds, and visual sensations (and maybe he'd bring me back a real pinecone, so that I could hold / smell one at the same time too). Now that I think of it, we could create something like this along with your words as a practice one day... wouldn't that be utterly wild!! I know its absolutely not the same... but I do think for so many humans these days that access to the outdoors, and the quiet strength that it offers is truly hard to find... x

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Mmmm I love these invitations Betsy! Thank you so much for your generous offerings and the ideas you’ve made pop up in me 😍 I would love to explore this with you. You’re just wonderful and I so appreciate your faith in me 🥹

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Thank you my love - it’s so funny you said that about hearing my voice because I wondered about doing a transcript! Yet again, you’re in my head 😅

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Love this. Really useful prompts and vivid descriptions that in themselves transport me from the car park I am currently in to the quiet and calm of the woods ♥️

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Oh Coral, you are too kind. Thank you so much - I’m so glad I’ve been able to transport you in that way 💛🌲

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